Hypnotherapy is the art of using a trance state to connect people to their subconscious resources, with the intention of creating positive change. The process relies on the cooperation of the client. Contrary to what may be assumed from watching stage or street hypnosis, you cannot be hypnotised against your will and there is no loss of control from entering a trance state. Most people are able to achieve this state. In fact, most of us do it daily, perhaps while driving, reading, gardening, listening to music or watching T.V. The moment we become absorbed in what we are doing to the exclusion of other competing sensory stimuli we have slipped into a light trance state.
When this state is induced intentionally by a therapist it is possible to bypass the conscious, critical part of our minds and access the powerful subconscious where the resources to relieving many of our undesirable habits and unproductive thought processes can be found. Through a combination of metaphors and story telling, various suggestions and possibilities are presented to the client and seized upon by the subconscious, creating the potential for positive change.
Some of the more common reasons people see a hypnotherapist are stress, anxiety, low self esteem, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, smoking, drinking, eating disorders and insomnia.